Basic Data Changing Tutorial by zizibaluba/briankid/yokinakiwa

line of = is: another part of the data
line of - is: another piece of the data I'm talking about or something that is
important that needs space
line of + is: something else other than explained

box made of _ is: example

a * is: I'll explain more later
a ! is: something important
a ? is something I'm not sure about (which means I'll update if i find out
anything else than what I already know)
a EX is: example
d stands for: defend
j stands for: jump
a stands for: attack
^ stands for: up
v stands for: down
> stands for: right
< stands for: left

-We'll use the data on the very top for DDavis for these few examples
name: Davis
head: sprite\sys\davis_f.bmp
small: sprite\sys\davis_s.bmp
file(0-69): sprite\sys\davis_0.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7
file(70-139): sprite\sys\davis_1.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7
file(140-209): sprite\sys\davis_2.bmp w: 79 h: 79 row: 10 col: 7

-name: Davis ---> name of the Character
-head: sprite\sys\davis_f.bmp ---> the faace of the Character on the selection
-small: sprite\sys\davis_s.bmp ---> the fface of the Character on the side of
the HP and MP bars


-w: 79 ---> the width of a pic. in a spriite *
-h: 79 ---> the height of pic. in a spritte *
-row: 10 col: 7 ---> the number of rows aand columns in the sprite file *

z-axis ---> The columns or up and down you can walk or move
walking_speed =====> how fast you walk
walking_speedz =====> going toward z-axis's speed when walking
running_speed =====> how fast you run
running_speedz =====> going toward z-axis's speed when running
heavy_walking_speed =====> how fast you walk when holding a heavy item
heavy_walking_speedz =====> going toward z-axis's speed when walking with a
heavy item
heavy_running_speed =====> how fast you run when holding a heavy item
heavy_running_speedz =====> going toward z-axis's speed when running with a
heavy item
jump_height =====> how high you can jump
jump_distance =====> how far you can jump
jump_distancez =====> going toward z-axis's distance when jumping
dash_height =====> how high you can jump when running
dash_distance =====> how far you can jump when running
dash_distancez =====> going toward z-axis's distance when running then
rowing_distance =====> how far you would roll
-We'll use Davis run and punch for the neext few examples
72 super_punch
pic: 8 state: 3 wait: 2 next: 73 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 28 centery: 79
hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 0 x: 40 y: 5 w: 35 h: 45 dvx: 3 dvy: -10 fall: 70 arest: 15 bdefend: 60
injury: 40
kind: 0 x: 26 y: 12 w: 35 h: 66
72 super_punch ---> Frame Number and Name of Move (name is usually shorten)+
(the name of move is just there to let people find it easily)
pic: 8 ---> The Picture the frame loads (!The picture is counted from left to
right in sprites and the first picture is 0 not 1!)
state: 3 ---> The character's state*
wait: 2 ---> How long this frame lasts
next: 73 ---> The next frame to go to
dvx: 0 ---> Moves foward how much
dvy: 0 ---> Moves upwards/downwards how much (!As in sky and ground NOT the
up and down when walking!)
dvz: 0 ---> Moves up and down how much (!Now it's the walking up and down!)
centerx: 28 ---> centerx is using which point as the character's center (!I
suggest that you don't mess around with this one!)
centery: 79 ---> What point for the feet (If the point is larger than 79, the
character will be in the air)
hit_a: 0 ---> What frame it goes to when you press attack at this frame
hit_d: 0 ---> What frame it goes to when you press defend at this frame
hit_j: 0 ---> What frame it goes to when you press jump at this frame
hit_fj: ---> What frame it goes to when you input d>j at this frame
hit_uj: ---> What frame it goes to when you input d^j at this frame
hit_dj: ---> What frame it goes to when you input dvj at this frame
hit_fa: ---> What frame it goes to when you input d>a at this frame
hit_ua: ---> What frame it goes to when you input d^a at this frame
hit_da: ---> What frame it goes to when you input dva at this frame
hit_ja: ---> What frame it goes to when you input dja at this frame
itr: ---> Attack starts
kind: 0 ---> What kind of attack*
x: 40, w: 35 ---> How far the attack goes (!Forward and Backward!) (if you
learned pre-algebra the x is like x-axis(right and left) and
the w is like width)
y: 5, h: 45 ---> How far the attack goes (!Up and Down!As in sky and ground!)
(if you learned pre-algebra the y is like y-axis(up and down)
and the h is like height)
dvx: 3 ---> How far the enemy falls backwards when hit (If you put negative
number the enemy will fall fowards)
dvy: -10 ---> How high the enemy falls upwards when hit (!The number here is
negative so that means the enemy will fall downto the ground
not fly into the sky!)
fall: 70 ---> The chance of the enemy falling down
arest: 15 ---> ?Currently Unknown?
bdefend: 60 ---> The chance of breaking through a defence and hitting the
enemy, almost the same as fall
injury: 40 ---> The amount of damage the attack deals*
itr_end: ---> Attack ends
bdy: ---> Body Starts (What body does)
kind: 0 ---> ?Special Effect? (I'm not sure what will happen, maybe I'll
experiment with it later)
x: 26, w: 35 ---> How far when attacked (!Forward and Backward!) (if you
learned pre-algebra the x is like x-axis (right and left)
and the w is like width)
y: 12, h: 66 ---> How far when attacked (!Up and Down!As in sky and ground!)
(if you learned pre-algebra the y is like y-axis (up and
down) and the h is like height)
bdy_end ---> Body Ends
mp: How much mp is used (If you add this onto a move after the hit_a, hit_d,
hit_j, you could make that move take mp)

Adding sounds to a move is really easy but making that sound come out at the
right moment takes lots of testing...
To add a whole new sound all you have to do is put the sound file into the
folder that is called "Data"
To add a sound to a move or like drinking milk, all you have to do is put this
on the second line of the frame (after the pic:, etc):
!sound: data\(sound name).wav!

For example:
I got a new sound called "beep.wav" into the "Data" folder
Now I want my new character to make that sound when he/she walks
I put !sound: data\beep.wav! to the second line of the place I want it to make
that sound
Now I got sounds at those frames.

We all know now that adding injury increses damage but there are special codes
you can add after the injury codes.

effect: 0 ---> Punch
effect: 1 ---> Sharp Weapon (Blood Comes Out)
effect: 2 ---> Fire
effect: 3 ---> Ice
effect: 4 ---> Goes Through Enemy (?Most Likely For The Healing Balls That
Doesn't Let Enemy Heal?)
effect: 5 or Higher ---> ?
effect: 20 ---> Fire

injury: 40
Then Add effect: 2
injury: 40 effect: 2
Now this attack does 40 damage and burn people

The height and width of the sprite could be changed at the beginning of the
data. Ususlly they're 79 by 79 pixels.
Also you could change the amount of sprites on the Sprite sheets.
!The first box is 0 not 1!
When they say a "row" they mean how many boxes in a row not how many rows.

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