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DCing question
Hello I am new and his(her,its) fact 5 days which I arrvie not to make a transformation(processing).

Before I arrived but mainteant it is vague in my head. I can speak French and I joined specially(deliberately) if you can help me!

Voila Bmp and frames of players normal [Davis]:

And Frame :

And Here is Bmp of the personal which I wants at the end [Davis]

What I have to make so that my as for myself walking please ? :(

Thank you Beforehand

PS: After the transformation(processing), my player passes of ** _0bmp in _2bmp

Silverthorn edited this post 08-08-2011 10:26 PM because:
Please create a new thread for your problem instead of bumping an old (and irrelevant) one next time. Thanks!
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