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Battle mode: troop limit change
Hello I'm new here, but let's get started.

It's about the 10 and 30 limit of troops in Battle mode. I've read this thread and tried,


using Cheat Engine successfully (temporarily - I didn't patch it) removed the limit, and found some addresses. However, what I really want is to change it rather than remove it, since I don't want the numbers ever reach 3 digits, or keep the convenient way to change the troop numbers back to 0, or whatever. Following the address and open with Olly I see something close...

0043958C   890C85 80D34400     MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+44D380],ECX
00439593   890C85 741B4500     MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+451B74],ECX
0043959A   75 16               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.004395B2
0043959C   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
0043959E   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395A1   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
004395A3   8D0C8D F8D54400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D5F8]
004395AA   8D72 09             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+9]
004395AD   E9 75000000         JMP lf2hexed.00439627
004395B2   83FA 02             CMP EDX,2
004395B5   75 13               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.004395CA
004395B7   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
004395B9   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395BC   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
004395BE   8D0C8D 50D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D650]
004395C5   8D72 1C             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+1C]
004395C8   EB 5D               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
004395CA   83FA 03             CMP EDX,3
004395CD   75 26               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.004395F5
004395CF   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
004395D1   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395D4   83FF 04             CMP EDI,4
004395D7   7D 0E               JGE SHORT lf2hexed.004395E7
004395D9   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
004395DB   8D0C8D 10D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D610]
004395E2   8D72 07             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+7]
004395E5   EB 40               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
004395E7   8D0C8D 20D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D620]
004395EE   BE 0A000000         MOV ESI,0A                <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
004395F3   EB 32               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
004395F5   83FA 04             CMP EDX,4
004395F8   75 25               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.0043961F
004395FA   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
004395FC   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395FF   3BFA                CMP EDI,EDX
00439601   7D 0E               JGE SHORT lf2hexed.00439611
00439603   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
00439605   8D0C8D 68D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D668]
0043960C   8D72 1A             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+1A]
0043960F   EB 16               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
00439611   8D0C8D 78D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D678]
00439618   BE 1E000000         MOV ESI,1E                <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0043961D   EB 08               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
0043961F   8B4C24 34           MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34]
00439623   8B7424 34           MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34]
00439627   85DB                TEST EBX,EBX
00439629   74 03               JE SHORT lf2hexed.0043962E
0043962B   8301 01             ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],1
0043962E   833D BC134500 00    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[4513BC],0
00439635   74 12               JE SHORT lf2hexed.00439649
00439637   8301 05             ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],5
0043963A   8B19                MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
0043963C   3BDE                CMP EBX,ESI
0043963E   7E 09               JLE SHORT lf2hexed.00439649
00439640   8D6E 05             LEA EBP,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+5]
00439643   3BDD                CMP EBX,EBP
00439645   7D 02               JGE SHORT lf2hexed.00439649
00439647   8931                MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],ESI    ;Set the value to maximum <- if D is pressed, in a condition that would make the final value exceed the maximum (eg. 26-29 reserves)
00439649   833D B8134500 00    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[4513B8],0
00439650   74 03               JE SHORT lf2hexed.00439655
00439652   8301 FF             ADD DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],-1
00439655   8B19                MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
00439657   85DB                TEST EBX,EBX
00439659   7D 04               JGE SHORT lf2hexed.0043965F
0043965B   8931                MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],ESI    ;Set the value to maximum <- if J is pressed while the value is originally 0
0043965D   EB 0A               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439669
0043965F   3BDE                CMP EBX,ESI
00439661   7E 06               JLE SHORT lf2hexed.00439669
00439663   C701 00000000       MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],0    ;Set the value to 0 <- if A or D is pressed while the value is already full
00439669   8B7424 18           MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+18]
0043966D   3BFE                CMP EDI,ESI
0043966F   8BCF                MOV ECX,EDI
00439671   7E 02               JLE SHORT lf2hexed.00439675
(edit: copied more instructions into here)

I'd guess the two lines marked "<<<<", 4395EE and 439618, are what I'm looking for. Now I want 10/30 to be changed to 60/90, so I edit the two numbers to 3C and 5A. However, in executing this edited LF2, the limits are still 10/30. I don't know why, and this is the reason why I post here. Could anybody help checking it out please...?

P.S. I've tried to edit something other that that: line 43962B, 1 into 2, and then it worked for being 2 troops added every time I press A, for all troops on the screen.


OK. Problem solved. Details below:

I don't know why exactly, but it worked.
There are 6 limits totally. 4 of them are for the 4 rows in the preparation screen, i.e. Bandits to Marks "In Screen" as Row 1, their Reserve as Row 2, Monks to milks (not beers!) "In Screen" as Row 3 and their Reserve as Row 4. The addresses of the 4 rows are 4395AA, 4395C5, 4395E2 and 43960C. Another 2 are... my originally marked lines... beers - the remaining, at 4395EE and 439618.
It's obvious for how to edit the beer limits. Let's move on to the other boxes, the 4 Rows. The trickier part (just addition in fact...) is that they do not record the number directly, but added the value of EDX, which is 1, 2, 3 or 4 at the positions. To change the limits basically just have to take care of this EDX too. For "In Screen" refers to below, if I want it to be 99, I should actually note down 98 which is 62 in hex, and so on for the others.

A better organized view:

4395AA - Default: 9 (9) - "In Screen" limits subtracted by 1, for id: 30-34, 39 (Bandit, Hunter, Jack, Sorcerer, Justin, Mark)
4395C5 - Default: 1C (28) - Reserve limits subtracted by 2, for entities same as above
4395E2 - Default: 7 (7) - "In Screen" limits subtracted by 3, for id: 35-37, 122 (Monk, Jan, Knight, milk)
4395EE - Default: 0A (10) - "In Screen" limits, for id: 123 (beer)
43960C - Default: 1A (26) - Reserve limits subtracted by 4, for entities same as 4395E2
439618 - Default: 1E (30) - Reserve limits, for id: 123 (beer)

00439589   83FA 01             CMP EDX,1      ;Where the "1" from. See below.
0043958C   890C85 80D34400     MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+44D380],ECX
00439593   890C85 741B4500     MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+451B74],ECX
0043959A   75 16               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.004395B2
0043959C   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
0043959E   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395A1   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
004395A3   8D0C8D F8D54400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D5F8]
004395AA   8D72 09             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+9]      ;The number 9 here is the limit of "In Screen" troops (Row 1) subtracted by 1.
004395AD   E9 75000000         JMP lf2hexed.00439627
004395B2   83FA 02             CMP EDX,2      ;Where the "2" from. See below.
004395B5   75 13               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.004395CA
004395B7   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
004395B9   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395BC   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
004395BE   8D0C8D 50D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D650]
004395C5   8D72 1C             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+1C]      ;The number 28 (1C) here is the limit of Reserved (Row 2) troops subtracted by 2.
004395C8   EB 5D               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
004395CA   83FA 03             CMP EDX,3      ;Where the "3" from. See below.
004395CD   75 26               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.004395F5
004395CF   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
004395D1   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395D4   83FF 04             CMP EDI,4
004395D7   7D 0E               JGE SHORT lf2hexed.004395E7
004395D9   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
004395DB   8D0C8D 10D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D610]
004395E2   8D72 07             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+7]      ;The number 7 here is the limit of "In Screen" troops (Row 3) subtracted by 3.
004395E5   EB 40               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
004395E7   8D0C8D 20D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D620]
004395EE   BE 0A000000         MOV ESI,0A      ;This is the "In Screen" beer limit 0A (10).
004395F3   EB 32               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
004395F5   83FA 04             CMP EDX,4      ;Where the "4" from. See below.
004395F8   75 25               JNZ SHORT lf2hexed.0043961F
004395FA   8BC8                MOV ECX,EAX
004395FC   0FAFCD              IMUL ECX,EBP
004395FF   3BFA                CMP EDI,EDX
00439601   7D 0E               JGE SHORT lf2hexed.00439611
00439603   03CF                ADD ECX,EDI
00439605   8D0C8D 68D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D668]
0043960C   8D72 1A             LEA ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+1A]      ;The number 26 (1A) here is the limit of Reserved (Row 4) troops subtracted by 4.
0043960F   EB 16               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
00439611   8D0C8D 78D64400     LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX*4+44D678]
00439618   BE 1E000000         MOV ESI,1E      ;This is the Reserve beer limit 1E (30).
0043961D   EB 08               JMP SHORT lf2hexed.00439627
0043961F   8B4C24 34           MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34]
00439623   8B7424 34           MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34]
00439627   85DB                TEST EBX,EBX
Thanks given by: A-Man
Open that exe again and try adding troops by fives (I think it was by pressing jump Defend). Does the limit change? The snippet you posted seems to direct you to 00439637 where what ECX points to (which is probably the number of troops) is added by 5. If I was right, then there might be another part with similar numbers you should change.

Edit: V: Oh yeah thanks.
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Thanks given by: Ikran Ahiyìk
@^ Anytime :D

A-Man pressing Defend makes Army + by 5 not Jump, Jump - army by 1.
Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View)

You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
Thanks given by: A-Man
Thanks for help.

No, even both the 10/30 are changed, when I come across the limit by pressing D, J or A they're still 10/30.
I guess you're right there MUST be some other values... but as a newbie it's very hard for me to find them out... Use Cheat Engine maybe? I find that it allows me to edit the assembly codes too as Olly, what different is CE realize my assembles right after they are done with LF2 running... amazing.

I've edited the first post: includes more related instructions, and describes three processes related to the limit.

Edit: It seems that the two lines I marked do nothing to the limits actually, or because ESI is loaded from somewhere else. I've tried to change its value, or even delete the MOV ESI,0A thing, but Cheat Engine still reports the value of ESI is 0A (10) or 1E (30). OK when it's up to loading data from other address, I surrender...

I think there should be an alternative way to achieve, if I change my demand into 99/99 instead of 60/90. With a single value I could just change all the ESI's into 63 (99), as the process of pressing D, J and A are all found. However, I still want to know what's ESI really doing there, so I wouldn't implement this.

Solved. Thanks for attention... (I still have a brunch of questions to be came up with haha) This would be archived and you could take the solution as a reference.
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The solution is very interesting indeed :D.
(05-23-2014, 10:59 AM)Ikran Ahiyìk Wrote:  Edit: It seems that the two lines I marked do nothing to the limits actually, or because ESI is loaded from somewhere else. I've tried to change its value, or even delete the MOV ESI,0A thing, but Cheat Engine still reports the value of ESI is 0A (10) or 1E (30). OK when it's up to loading data from other address, I surrender...

I think there should be an alternative way to achieve, if I change my demand into 99/99 instead of 60/90. With a single value I could just change all the ESI's into 63 (99), as the process of pressing D, J and A are all found. However, I still want to know what's ESI really doing there, so I wouldn't implement this.
That's probably because LEA works quite differently from MOV. While MOV would've copied the fixed constant value from [EDX+9] to ESI, LEA only stores a reference to the value in that address; in other words, any changes that happens to the address [EDX+9] after the LEA operation did affect the value of ESI as well. The process is kinda complex with all that LEAs going again and again. Good job finding that out XD.
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A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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