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surprise, 8 hours left here too. Happy new year mina!
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by: Monolith
happy Bday LFE and Happy New Year Folks

btw, someone believe world is going to end in 2012?
[Image: icyboards-ad-468x60.gif]
Thanks given by: Monolith
Happy New Year, guys.
Happy Birthday, LFE.

Ye! It's midnight 12am. And I need bed, too.

This place motivates me to become an artist, this place motivates me to learn coding, this place made me grow up, showed me the ways to interact with people. Unlike the old childish of me myself, I've learned a lot and gotten some experiences. For me, it's not just a fan forum, it's a helpful community. From a noob to someone who would think before he speaks, looking back at my old post made me laugh hard, I'm grateful of the differences between these 2 years.
~Thank You All and Farewell
~Goodbye, LFE.
RIP - 14/04/2014
Thanks given by: Monolith
Still 6 hours left at my place. Anyway, happy new year everybody and happy birthday LFE.

Thanks given by: Monolith
5 hours left till 2012, i cant wait so many thing are waiting for me Celebrations and so much things
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........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
BROFIST ...........
Thanks given by: Monolith
Happy New Year everybody!

I hope the new year will bring more new surprises for LFE.

(More good surprises.)
Hiding users' signatures and avatars was the best decision ever.
4ye 6anDy (Click to View)
We're watching you... (Click to View)
| Avatar made by Alectric |
Thanks given by: Monolith
btw, someone believe world is going to end in 2012?

Then happy new end!!!!
Thanks given by: Monolith
Happy new year everybody. In my country 5 hours and 17 minutes left :D
[Image: double-jump-YinYin-base-1.gif]
This is an inspiration from:
-YinYin's Character Development guide, to be more specific i took one of those bases.
-Urban Rivals' clan Skeelz, I took their uniform
I hope it's good. ^^
TLOK | My sprites | Anime sprite contest | DeviantART |
Thanks given by: Monolith
30 minutes are still left here.
Happy New Year 2012 guys!
Thanks given by: Monolith
LAST 3 hours 49 minutes FROM HERE!
[Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg]
Thanks given by: Monolith

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