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Tags we don't know?
Hello guys. I was browsing LF2.exe with text editor and when i was scrolling down I found:
cD cD  cD         nUD XD         DDStartup: Setting windowed mode...
    DDStartup: Setting exclusive mode...
   DDStartup: Couldn't set exclusive mode.
    DDCreateFakeFlipper: Using fake flipper.
   DDCreateFakeFlipper: Couldn't create backbuffer.
   DDCreateFakeFlipper: Couldn't create primary.
  DDFullConfigure: Using two back buffers, art in display.
   DDFullConfigure: Single back buffer failed.
    DDFullConfigure: Using fake flipper.
   DDFullConfigure: Couldn't create fake flipper.
Could not Create Sound Buffer.  Could not read Wave Data    Wave file has no data   Unable to Ascend    Not a valid Wave Format Error reading Wave Format   Could not Descend into format of Wave File  Could not Descend into Wave File    >   Could not Open Wave File <  Delete  NoRemove    ForceRemove Val B   D   M   S   ôuD ًuD ىuD èuD نuD طuD جuD ؤuD Little Fighter 4    Marti   %s\graph.log    Could not create a filter graph for this file!  Could not initialize DirectShow!    ERROR   (Press Left/Right to change)    Music: %s   bgm\boss2.wma   bgm\boss1.wma   bgm\stage5.wma  bgm\stage4.wma  bgm\stage3.wma  bgm\stage2.wma  bgm\stage1.wma  bgm\main.wma    Final Boss  Boss    Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Main Theme  Random  ON  Recording canceled! Recording file '%s' saved!  Start recording '%s'... Volume: %d  %s  WSAAsyncSelect()    socket()    gethostbyname() gethostname()   WSAStartup()    Error   sendto()    Client want to EXIT.    FD_CLOSE    FD_READ FD_CONNECT  Handle Message      1111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    u can connect   Accpet() Error  ڑ™™™™™¹?     ہr@      iہ      ‚@      @      1ہ      1@333333ہ333333@      0ہ      0@أُ(\ڈآإ?       @ڑ™™™™™ہڑ™™™™™@      ّ؟      ّ?      D@      ,ہ      ,@      @ڑ™™™™™ظ?ffffffو?       ہ       @      *ہ      *@333333َ?      $@      ً?ffffffِ?333333س?333333ë?      >ہ      >@ڑ™™™™™ٌ?      @      ذ?      @Do not erase this file. w   c2: c1: cc: loop:   rect32: %ld rect:   height: y:  x:  transparency:   layer_end   layer:  %s %s %d %d shadow: perspective:    %d %d   zboundary:  %d  width:  name:   data\temporary.txt  r   <stage_end> <phase_end> act:    %lf ratio:  when_clear_goto_phase:  <soldier>   join_reserve:   join:   <boss>  reserve:    times:  hp: music:  bound:  <phase> id: <stage> data\stage.dat  <frame_end>

          kind: %d  x: %d  y: %d  w: %d  h: %d
   pickedact: %d   pickingact: %d      caughtact: %d %d    catchingact: %d %d      
      effect: %d   zwidth: %d      bdefend: %d     respond: %d     vrest: %d   arest: %d   fall: %d    dvy: %d     dvx: %d           kind: %d  x: %d  y: %d  w: %d  h: %d         itr:
           kind: %d  x: %d  y: %d  weaponact: %d  attacking: %d  cover: %d  dvx: %d  dvy: %d  dvz: %d

    dircontrol: %d  decrease: %d    backhurtact: %d     fronthurtact: %d    throwinjury: %d     hurtable: %d    throwvz: %d     throwvy: %d     throwvx: %d     daction: %d     taction: %d    jj: %d     aaction: %d     vaction: %d     cover: %d   injury: %d                    kind: %d  x: %d  y: %d
       x: %d  y: %d
       kind: %d  x: %d  y: %d  action: %d  dvx: %d  dvy: %d  oid: %d  facing: %d
   sound: %s
    mp: %d  hit_ja: %d  hit_Dj: %d  hit_Uj: %d  hit_Fj: %d  hit_Da: %d  hit_Ua: %d  hit_Fa: %d    pic: %d  state: %d  wait: %d  next: %d  dvx: %d  dvy: %d  dvz: %d  centerx: %d  centery: %d  hit_a: %d  hit_d: %d  hit_j: %d <frame> %d %s

rowing_distance %lf
    rowing_height %lf
  dash_distancez %lf
dash_distance %lf
  dash_height %lf
    jump_distancez %lf
jump_distance %lf
  jump_height %lf
    heavy_running_speedz %lf
   heavy_running_speed %lf
    heavy_walking_speedz %lf
   heavy_walking_speed %lf
    running_speedz %lf
running_speed %lf
  running_frame_rate %d
  walking_speedz %lf
walking_speed %lf
  walking_frame_rate %d
  file(%d-%d): %s  w: %d  h: %d  row: %d  col: %d
    small: %s
  head: %s
   name: %s
    ڑ™™™™™¹؟ffffffو؟      $ہ      !@      ہ      à?حججججج#@      &@       ہ      ہ      (@       ہ333333û?""""""â?333333غ?آُ(\ڈآإ?""""""ٍ?      "ہ      "@-Cëâ6؟-Cëâ6?ڑ™™™™™ة?bdy_end:    bdy:    pickedact:  pickingact: caughtact:  catchingact:    itr_end:    itr:    attacking:  weaponact:  wpoint_end: wpoint: dircontrol: decrease:   backhurtact:    fronthurtact:   throwinjury:    hurtable:   throwvz:    throwvy:    throwvx:    daction:    taction:    jaction:    aaction:    vaction:    cover:  cpoint_end: cpoint: bpoint_end: bpoint: facing: oid:    action: kind:   opoint_end: opoint: sound:  mp: hit_ja: hit_Dj: hit_Uj: hit_Fj: hit_Da: hit_Ua: hit_Fa: hit_j:  hit_d:  hit_a:  centery:    centerx:    dvz:    next:   wait:   state:  pic:    <frame_end> <frame> effect: zwidth: injury: bdefend:    respond:    vrest:  arest:  fall:   dvy:    dvx:    %d %s   entry:  <weapon_strength_list_end>  <weapon_strength_list>  weapon_broken_sound:    weapon_drop_sound:  weapon_hit_sound:   weapon_drop_hurt:   weapon_hp:  col:    row:    h:  w:  rowing_distance rowing_height   dash_distancez  dash_distance   dash_height jump_distancez  jump_distance   jump_height heavy_running_speedz    heavy_running_speed heavy_walking_speedz    heavy_walking_speed running_speedz  running_speed   running_frame_rate  walking_speedz  walking_speed   walking_frame_rate  small:  head:   file    <bmp_end>   <bmp_begin> none    %d %s %s    <background_end>    <background>    %d %s %d %s %s  <object_end>    <object>    back99_3    back99_2    back99_1    shadow1 Lee On Road       ً؟ü©ٌزMbP؟ü©ٌزMbP?%c  SiuHungIsAGoodBearBecauseHeIsVeryGood   %s_ Decrp what file?    Encrp what file?    data\data.txt   bg\template\3\bg.txt    bg\template\2\bg.txt    bg\template\1\bg.txt    bg\sys\thv\bg.txt   bg\sys\cuhk\bg.txt  bg\sys\ft\bg.txt    bg\sys\qi\bg.txt    bg\sys\gw\bg.txt    bg\sys\lf\bg.txt    bg\sys\sp\bg.txt    bg\sys\hkc\bg.txt   data\broken_weapon.txt  data\etc.txt    data\julian_ball2.txt   data\julian_ball.txt    data\justin_ball.txt    data\bat_chase.txt  data\bat_ball.txt   data\firzen_ball.txt    data\firzen_chasei.txt  data\firzen_chasef.txt  data\jan_chase.txt  data\jan_chaseh.txt data\jack_ball.txt  data\dennis_chase.txt   data\john_biscuit.txt   data\weapon7.txt    data\freeze_column.txt  data\firen_flame.txt    data\firen_ball.txt data\freeze_ball.txt    data\henry_arrow2.txt   data\davis_ball.txt data\woody_ball.txt data\dennis_ball.txt    data\henry_wind.txt data\deep_ball.txt  data\rudolf_weapon.txt  data\henry_arrow1.txt   data\john_ball.txt  data\criminal.txt   data\weapon11.txt   data\weapon10.txt   data\weapon9.txt    data\weapon8.txt    data\weapon3.txt    data\weapon1.txt    data\weapon6.txt    data\weapon5.txt    data\weapon4.txt    data\weapon2.txt    data\weapon0.txt    data\davis.txt  data\woody.txt  data\dennis.txt data\freeze.txt data\firen.txt  data\louis.txt  data\rudolf.txt data\henry.txt  data\john.txt   data\deep.txt   data\bandit.txt data\hunter.txt data\mark.txt   data\jack.txt   data\sorcerer.txt   data\monk.txt   data\jan.txt    data\knight.txt data\justin.txt data\bat.txt    data\louisEX.txt    data\firzen.txt data\julian.txt data\template.txt   helpme  Doing what ('E'=encrp, 'D'=decrp)?  bpoint: %d  %d  opoint: %d      wpoint: %d  %d  cpoint: %d      bdy mode   no: %d   kind: %d    itr mode   no: %d   kind: %d    wait: %d   next: %d %d   %s LF2_CURSOR2       @      ہ      ہ]   (CRAZY!)    (Easy)  (Normal)    Battle mode     2 on 2  1 on 1  (Difficult) Survival Stage  Stage mode  VS mode      / %02d:%02d:%02d    / %02d:%02d    %02d:%02d:%02d  %02d:%02d     Info: <No info>   Author: <No name>         Y@      Yہ     ہrہWaiting for opponent... %02d : %02d : %02d  %02d : %02d Function Keys Locked    Function Keys Used:    F6: %d time(s)    F7: %d time(s)    F8: %d time(s)    F9: %d time(s) huvs:01zwx0OiuvoeGkjhugu.dqp    Press F4 or 'Attack' to exit    %c %d   %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %2.3f %2.4f %d            @      ہu%d d%d l%d r%d a%d d%d              @ہ      :@Game play is too long (more than 3 hours), Recording canceled!  Recording file error! Replaying canceled!   Version not matched!        Data Error! You and your opponent have different set of data files. Synchronisation Error!  Version not matched!    Connection Lost!        BARS    LOSE_DEAD   WIN_DEAD    WIN_ALIVE   SCORE_BOARD4    SCORE_BOARD3    SCORE_BOARD2    SCORE_BOARD1    DEMO    PAUSE            ذپ@     @j@      i@data\085.wav    data\068.wav    data\066.wav    data\065.wav    data\039.wav    data\033.wav    data\032.wav    data\025.wav    data\021.wav    data\020.wav    data\017.wav    data\016.wav    data\004.wav    data\011.wav    data\010.wav    data\006.wav    data\002.wav    data\001.wav    CapsLock    Right   Down    Left    Up  PageDown    PageUp  Home    Insert  Backspace   Shift   Ctrl    Keypad: .   Keypad: /   Keypad: *   Keypad: -   Keypad: +   Keypad:     Enter   Space   %s
<No email>  %s %s %s %s
    %d  data\control.txt    now MENU_BACK%d MENU_BACK0000   open explore recording   Button: %d  -   _ 0000111100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    Can't connect to server Can't get the Server    Client Error     Your IP Address: %s    Listening() error   InitWinSock()    1:;<-3238-"dlm"uihjws!thsftyee  bz"Pasvl Xqqg-"Vtbtvkz"Zooi WORDS5  WORDS4  WORDS3  WORDS2  WORDS1  WORDS0  FRAME   CS6 CS5 CS4 CS3 CS2 ENDING  SLOGAN  MENU_WAIT   MENU_CLIP7  MENU_CLIP6  MENU_CLIP5  MENU_CLIP4  MENU_CLIP3  MENU_CLIP2  MENU_CLIP   LF2_CURSOR            Iہ      y@     àu@%s.lfr  _VS _Survival   _Stage_ %4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d    CRAZY!  Difficult   Normal  Easy    Survival    Independent Team 4  Team 3  Team 2  Team 1   Random      ----      Join?    Computer    SPARK   RFACE   CMC CMA2    CMA CM5 CM4 CM3 CM2 CM1 CHARMENU        ffffff@…ëQ¸ٌ?      ہڑ™™™™™ل?Version error.  Recording file are recorded in %s. (your LF2 is %s)!    a newer version v2.0    Error!  Recording file are recorded in a LF2 with some data files (character or stage files) different from yours.  Your LF2 has to use the same set of data files in order in replay this recording file!      File path error!  File path should not contain chinese or unicode character!    Loading error!  Recording file may be corrupted!!   \recording  LF2 recording files (*.lfr) *.lfr; *.txt    Final   SemiFinal   Prelminar   _1on1_   Human  _2on2_            è?Man: %3d      HP: %4d     Reserve: %3d  Man: %3d      HP: %4d   Survival Stage: %d  STAGE %d-%d %4d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_Battle --  x %d.%d BATTLETROOPS    BATTLEMODE  Defense: %d.%d          (L) (M) (S) Full    Giant   Melee attack    Ranged attack   Inferior    Balanced    Zero    Man: %3d     HP: %4d     Reserve: %3d     Die: %3d  Palette lost.
  Ignoring palette message.
  We have the palette.
   Reinitialization failed.
   Alt enter...
   Are you sure to quit?   LF2 Active App!
    DDStartup failed.
  DirectDraw Init FAILED  Sample  sprite\sys\ad%d.bmp
I saw some tags I never saw befoe like:
respond: in the itr area, jaction and daction in the catching area, join_reserve: in the stage area,
decrease:, hurtable, when_clear_goto_phase: ....etc. Could these be new tags? I experimented with some of them, but they didn't seem to work..
And sorry about the page strech. There is nothing i can do about it :D
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A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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(07-17-2012, 05:31 AM)A-MAN Wrote:  I saw some tags I never saw befoe like:
respond: in the itr area, jaction and daction in the catching area, join_reserve: in the stage area,
decrease:, hurtable, when_clear_goto_phase: ....etc. Could these be new tags? I experimented with some of them, but they didn't seem to work..
And sorry about the page strech. There is nothing i can do about it :D

respond sounds like a cool feature - maybe it was planned to enter a frame to go to when the itr connects with another object

j and daction are actually useless as we have hit_j and hit_d (even tho a and taction are still used) - but i wouldn't be surprised if they did work

join_reserve doesn't sound very thrilling? don't we already use that by simply writing that number directly behind join? oh wait thats the health i guess and we only get reserve allies from criminals - still nothing i would wish for

decrease and hurtable are normal tags for cpoint

when_clear_goto_phase is a new tag for survival mode (to make the last 5 phases repeat)

most of the other stuff doesn't sound like it would give any new features that aren't already there
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I dont know about it but I think some of them are used to read the .dat files and the stage music files.
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Yeah, my same impression. The respond tag, I experimented with it but it doesn't seem to work. I hope this tag works without any modifications made for that perspective tag.. And also the encryption algorithm is found there:
Yo, Mr.MH, how about asking Marti about these? I mean if u got the chance. He must be going craaaaaazeh about seeing his game roughly modified, LOL.
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A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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about respond

i have marti on facebook but he come there very rarely.

jaction is the same with hit_j: but it ignore mp: tags. daction don't work. while join_reserve: is the number of reserves of the person who join, i think it's a nice tag.

Mainsite needs to be updated with jaction: and join_reserve:
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What about no: and health: tags. They Maybe important. Maybe the health tag adds hp the same way a milk does. I am not on the desktop computer so i can't experiment now.
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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