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Update: I missed one part... Its all here now though(I hope)

Range AI is split into 4 parts. I didn't bother finding out what each part does :p.

part one:

00407A8A |. 8B89 F4060000 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+6F4] ; RANGE
00407A90 |. 83F9 04 CMP ECX,4 << ID 4
00407A93 |. 0F84 3B010000 JE lf2.00407BD4
00407A99 |. 83F9 05 CMP ECX,5 << ID 5
00407A9C |. 0F84 32010000 JE lf2.00407BD4
00407AA2 |. 83F9 1F CMP ECX,1F << ID 31
00407AA5 |. 0F84 29010000 JE lf2.00407BD4

part 2:(looks the same as part one)
00407EC8 |. 8B80 F4060000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+6F4] ; RANGE
00407ECE |. 83F8 04 CMP EAX,4
00407ED1 |. 74 0A JE SHORT lf2.00407EDD
00407ED3 |. 83F8 05 CMP EAX,5
00407ED6 |. 74 05 JE SHORT lf2.00407EDD
00407ED8 |. 83F8 1F CMP EAX,1F

part 3:
0040806B |. 83F8 04 CMP EAX,4
0040806E |. 74 13 JE SHORT lf2.00408083
00408070 |. 83F8 05 CMP EAX,5
00408073 |. 74 0E JE SHORT lf2.00408083
00408075 |. 83F8 1F CMP EAX,1F
00408078 |. 74 09 JE SHORT lf2.00408083
0040807A |. 83F8 24 CMP EAX,24 << jans' ID! huh?!

I suspect part 3 just tell them to run around a lot :p, if you haven't noticed jans AI tries to keep a distance and cast those devil/angle things all the time, doesn't usually fight melee if she can help it:p.

Part 4 (update, I guess I missed this):
00407F81 |. 8B82 F4060000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+6F4]
00407F87 |. 83F8 04 CMP EAX,4
00407F8A |. 74 0E JE SHORT lf2.00407F9A
00407F8C |. 83F8 05 CMP EAX,5
00407F8F |. 74 09 JE SHORT lf2.00407F9A
00407F91 |. 83F8 1F CMP EAX,1F
00407F94 |. 0F85 B2000000 JNZ lf2.0040804C

To copy the range AI to more ID's just replace(using part one as an example :
00407A90 |. 83F9 04 CMP ECX,4 << ID 4


Then at XXXXXX:

JE 00407BD4
CMP ECX,30 (id 48, the ID you want to copy to)
JE 00407BD4
JMP 00407A99

Hopefully you should be able to apply this to the other 2 parts (if you can't I'll edit the tutorial).
It tooks me minutes to understand what ''Range AI'' means.
(Because of my poor English...)

So it's about the IDs which used arrow or other range attack right ?
It would be useful if someone want to creat a new character using range weapon.

Good Job!

P.S. 1F should be 31 in decimal. ID 30 is Bandit, and 31 is Hunter.